Youth Knowledge Forum | Speakers | Ahlam Said
Ahlam Said

Ahlam Said

Youth Representative and Human Rights Advocate

Ahlam Said is a youth representative, human rights advocate, and social policy student from Amman, Jordan.

A graduate of the University of Jordan, she earned a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and English Language and Literature. She is an Erasmus+ Scholarship awardee in Spain and a recent awardee of Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship in MA of Social Policy in Hungary.

Ahlam participated in several debates hosted by the UN Women HeforShe Movement that address gender equality, as she is passionate about advocacy, human rights, and creating a better world. Ahlam has been a member of the Youth Leadership Program with the United Nations Development Program on developing a project to find innovative solutions to achieve sustainable development in Amman for over 2 years.

All Sessions by Ahlam Said

Success Story - Ahlam Said

  1. 2022-12-07
  2. 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
  3. Location: