Youth Knowledge Forum | Speakers | Ghena Haikal
Ghena Haikal

Ghena Haikal

Ghena Haikal is a graduate of New York University Abu Dhabi with a bachelor’s degree in Social Research and Public Policy. She is deeply passionate about social equality and justice, women and youth empowerment, and community development.
Currently, Ghena is working at UNICEF Jordan where she is leading third-party monitoring of the Makani Program and contributing to the evidence generation through the assessments of the program’s impact on the targeted communities. Additionally, she has led the Makani program digital inclusion initiative, targeting vulnerable and marginalized households. The initiative supported 20,000 households with digital access.

All Sessions by Ghena Haikal

Success Story - Ghena Haikal

  1. 2022-12-07
  2. 12:45 PM - 1:15 PM
  3. Location: