Youth Knowledge Forum | Speakers | Mohammed Rashid bin Zayed
Mohammed Rashid bin Zayed

Mohammed Rashid bin Zayed

Founder of Bin Zayed Fish Trading Company

Entrepreneur Mohammed Rashid bin Zayed founded the Bin Zayed Fish Trading Company in 2020, to turn the fishing hobby that he loved since childhood into a source of livelihood.

He was born in 1997, and obtained a High School Certificate - General Track in 2018-2019, after which he entered the entrepreneurship business.

Mohammed enjoys boundless ambition and seeks to work in a reputable institution so that he can develop his skills and achieve more successes.

All Sessions by Mohammed Rashid bin Zayed

Success Story - Mohammed Rashid bin Zayed

  1. 2022-12-06
  2. 11:35 AM - 12:05 PM
  3. Location: