Youth Knowledge Forum | Speakers | Noha Hefny
Noha Hefny

Noha Hefny

Founder, People of Impact

The Founder & CEO of People of Impact,, a social network accelerating action on social impact and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). She is ranked as One of the Top 100 Women in Social Enterprise by the European Euclid Network supported by the European Commission.

She started her career with UNHCR working in offices in Egypt and Tunisia and on the field in refugee camps in East Sudan and South Algeria. She was a consultant at UNESCO and is currently a senior consultant at UN Women. Noha spent a decade in the private sector with PepsiCo & McKinsey & Company as Regional Director, heading the Communications & Social Responsibility departments, covering Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. She is Arab and Lit-Creative. She is the co-author of 3 books, a strategic advisor to social enterprise boards.

All Sessions by Noha Hefny