Youth Knowledge Forum | Speakers | Omar Daoud
Omar Daoud

Omar Daoud

PhD student Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Scholarship - Oxford

Omar obtained his BSc and MSc degrees in chemical engineering with 1st class honours from King
Saud University. Now, he is completing his studies for PhD in engineering at the University of Oxford,
funded by the Oxford - Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Graduate Scholarship .
Omar worked during his MSc degree with the King Abdullah Institute for Nanotechnology, in the
fields of membrane technologies, water desalination and treatment, brine mining (to turn it from a
harmful by-product into a valuable resource), and the uses of solar energy in desalination processes .
Omar continues to work at Oxford within the Sustainable Water Engineering and the Membrane
Science & Technology research groups. He also seeks to provide practical solutions to environmental
and economic desalination challenges, by developing clean and sustainable processes powered by
promising technologies. He is keen to find opportunities to exploit and utilize the brine in the field of
basic industries to achieve environmental and economic integration

All Sessions by Omar Daoud

Success Story - Omar Daoud

  1. 2022-12-07
  2. 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
  3. Location: