Professor Noureddine Selmi is the Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Tunisia, and was formerly the Deputy Minister of Trade and Handicrafts. He served as the Adviser in charge of Statistics and Strategic Planning to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
Dr. Selmi is a university Professor and Researcher in Management and Marketing Sciences. He received his PhD from the University of Savoie, France. He is currently a faculty member at the Carthage University. He has also served as a visiting scholar at a number of outstanding Arab and foreign universities.
Professor Selmi has numerous research papers and published books in peer-reviewed scientific journals and has been acknowledged worldwide for his extensive expertise and certificates. He graduated with honor at the National Defense Institute and the Management Leadership Institute.
He is the founder, head and member of a number of global, regional and national scientific research and professional associations.
He is also an expert in the fields of education, training and strategy. He is certified as an international expert in many missions at major international organizations and is a special envoy to many countries.