As an expert in human behavior, Dr. Ghattass addresses a myriad of diverse concepts in his lectures and session, such as mental health and wellbeing, emotions and behaviors, individuality and belonging, leadership and relationships, critical thinking, decision-making and choice architecture, essence and image management, technology and social media addiction, corporate culture and moral adjustments, personal and child development, language, and identity.
For the past 7 years, Dr. Khaled Ghattass has leveraged his writings, lectures, social media influence, and traditional media presence to contest widely spread misleading and misinterpreted concepts in the Arab world.
His perspectives, arguments, and thought-provoking techniques are based on scientific findings, academic references, business concepts, philosophy, cultural understanding, and governing social theories.
Dr. Khaled Ghattass completed his BSc in analytical Chemistry and finished his master’s degree in Organic Chemistry and earned his Ph.D. in cellular and molecular biology (breast cancer). Later, he moved to Spain to pursue another master’s degree in business administration.