Laurent is a Partner at PwC and leads the Skills and Innovation activities at PwC Luxembourg. He is the founder and partner of the PwC’ Accelerator network, the first international professional firm network to support Tech SMEs in their internationalisation strategy. He has focused on population skills as the main asset for a country with two major projects: the EU 2030 High-tech Skills Vision and strategy for the EU Manufacturing industry and the Luxembourg National upskilling solution ( Furthermore, he created coding schools to upskill in three months (500 hours) unemployed people and place them in a new sustainable job with 70% success rate. He has been appointed as advisor of the UNDP for the development of Global Knowledge Index and has recently produced the Future of Knowledge report for UNDP and MBRF ( . He is the co-writer of the book “Upskill: 6 Steps to Unlock Economic Opportunity for All”.