Former President of International Statistical Institute
Pedro has served as principal researcher at the National School of Statistical Sciences since 2003, and holds a Bachelor in Statistics (1980) from the same school, a master in Applied Mathematics from the National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics Association (1988) and a PhD in Statistics from University of Southampton (1996).
A Senior Researcher at the National School of Statistics, Pedro's research interests span a wide range of topics including sampling and survey methodology, analysis of complex survey data, domiciliary household surveys, variance estimation, calibration estimators, critical and imputation data, estimation for small domains, sample surveys in the evaluation of public policies, official statistics, poverty mapping, editing and imputation.
Pedro has been working in the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics since 1981. He was president of the International Statistical Institute and was the first Brazilian to assume the presidency of the International Statistical Institute, a secular entity headed mainly by professionals from rich countries.
There are Pedro’s fingerprints in the census, in economic research, and in Continuous PNAD.