Knowledge Lounge

Knowledge Lounge

The Knowledge Lounge promotes quality reading as an integral part of daily life. It organizes interactive sessions connecting readers with authors, self-development coaches, and specialists to foster deep discussions and idea exchanges.

This initiative enhances participants’ analytical and critical reading skills, encouraging intellectual discussions. Its activities span all Emirates and some Arab countries, creating inspiring environments that stimulate intellectual engagement.

Operating in the United Arab Emirates and other Arab countries, the initiative aims at:

  1. Organizing knowledge sharing sessions with a number of specialists in various fields in order to transfer and share knowledge
  2. Organizing interactive sessions that bring the members together with book authors and human development specialists to discuss their publications, exchange views and disseminate such content to the widest possible audience.
  3. Promoting the culture of reading in families in general and increasing social awareness of the importance of reading.
  4. Establishing reading as a daily practice, and seeking to transfer knowledge gained from discussions of books.