Creative workshops in Dubai: An effective tool for nurturing young talent

  • 27 Dec 2022

The UAE, particularly Dubai, has consistently supported creators and is actively working to advance the cultural and creative sectors to diversify its economy. Dubai has long been at the forefront of embracing young, ambitious talents through a range of programs and initiatives that foster creativity, develop their skills, and help them advance on the paths of success and excellence. Additionally, the Emirate hosts various creative workshops with the sole purpose of developing the capabilities of creators and innovators, who are also considered one of the key resources for the nation.

Through these initiatives, Dubai also aims to advance the status and significance of the Arabic language, as well as strengthen the use of Arabic in the fields of science and knowledge. The Emirate constantly focuses on raising a generation of thought leaders, scholars, and creative visionaries who value culture and knowledge, effectively contribute to the advancement of humanity and build a bright and promising future for the nation as a whole.

Among the most notable initiatives launched are the special writing workshops held by the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation, as part of the ‘Dubai International Program for Writing’ Program. The program was launched to boost creators' skills and abilities, as well as accelerating intellectual and literary activities on regional and international levels. The MBRF's distinct workshops under this program focus on a variety of fields, including ‘UAE Tomorrow: The Emirates After Fifty Years’ which is centred on writing stories for children, the ‘Dubai Future’ workshop aimed at training the youth on writing long stories, the ‘Scientific Translation’ workshop, and ‘Travel Writings’ which focuses on travel literature.


The Emirati author Aisha Abdullah said: “The primary aim of launching such creative workshops is to assist emerging writers to hone their skills, allowing them to become educated and experienced writers who are capable of producing unique works, particularly in the field of science and knowledge.” She further highlighted how writing workshops in Dubai can pave the way for future generations to succeed, as they contribute to polishing the skills of young talent, building their ideas, as well as boosting their development, through several trainings conducted by experienced professionals.

“The global literature landscape has benefited greatly from the workshops conducted in Dubai. In addition to training people in writing, these workshops have published books written by several of their participants. Moreover, many of these participants have become mentors for the younger generation, thereby fostering their creativity and imparting what they have learned,” she added.

Islam Abu Shakir, Writer and Trainer supervising the ‘Dubai Future’ workshop, says to Al-Bayan: “One may claim that the primary determinants of creative writing are the innate skills, talents, aptitude, and more of an individual. But limiting oneself to just these factors would delay her/his growth as a writer and prevent them from exploring their potential. To provide young writers with the opportunity to develop their skills and realise their aspirations, Dubai International Program for Writing organised several workshops within a systematic and disciplined training program, under the supervision of a group of specialised experts to offer comprehensive training.” He further stated the significance of the Dubai International Program for Writing launched by the MBRF as a key initiative designed primarily to develop writers with the necessary academic qualifications, literary skills, and enthusiasm.

Abu Shakir further highlighted: “The Dubai International program for Writing is notable for its desire to embrace different genres of writing, such as children’s literature, stories, novels, and essays. An integral component of this project, which Dubai is leading at the regional and global levels, is a series of training programs that were recently introduced on the theme of ‘future.’ Among these programs is the ‘Dubai Future for Young People’ workshop that I oversee. Through this program, we aim to showcase fictional works with themes drawn from the future of Dubai in 50 years. The training strategy for this workshop involves guiding the students towards interpreting the present state of Dubai and modelling the Emirate’s future based on various realistic, logical, and credible foundations.”